education background (1)


Coldwell Banker Reap Realty through its partnerships, affiliation with The CE Shop, and access to CBU provides learning opportunities for you to grow in your career. From pre-license to post-license to continuing education you'll have access to LREC required courses, as well as current topics and trends, and ways to grow your business. Whether it's day 1 of your career or year 10 of your career, we have a course for you. On Demand, On Line, or In the Classroom, you'll find topics to keep you motivated and knowledgeable to help you better serve your clients.

Getting Started

Thinking about getting your license? Give us a call to discuss your career goals.

Salesperson Information can be found HERE

State Approved Schools

The CE Shop - (Online only. Special discounts available)

Broker license information can be found HERE


Continuing Education - required hours

Louisiana requires 12 hours of continuing education each year to renew your license. Every year, the LREC mandates four of the hours, selecting the topic.

Like us on Facebook to find flash sale announcements with The CE Shop for discounts!



As members of institutes and industry groups we have access to both real estate and non-real estate related webinars and short courses which are offered as a group at the office. These watch parties provide knowledge on topics such as AI, graphic design, marketing, and others to help you in your day-to-day business. We also hold in-house training on technology and other business topics.


CBU (formerly Coldwell Banker University)

The CBU Learning Center is designed to help agents learn and continue learning throughout their careers. Affiliated agents who took CBU Learning Center courses displayed greater improvement in their business during the 12 months following their coursework than in the 12 months prior. The average improvement over the prior 12 month period was 33% for closed volume and 11% for closed units1.

Contact us and follow on us social media for information on course specials and discounts offered by our partners. 

1.Coldwell Banker®. / Quester® Real Estate Agent Research, February 2022. 2. Listings taken, closed units, and closed sales volume (collectively, the “Metrics”) were measured during this study. To calculate the results, we took a sample of 4,000 independent sales associates who had been affiliated with the Coldwell Banker® brand for at least a year prior to the study and who participated in CBU Learning Center learning classes and activities between Jan. 2020-Dec. 2021 (the “Sample Pool”) and entered their activities into REScoreboard. All sales associates included in the study completed one or more learning classes, each ranging in duration from a minimum of 3-22 hours. We measured the monthly Metrics generated by the sample pool during the 12 months prior to their taking any Coldwell Banker courses and then measured the monthly Metrics generated during the 12 months after the end date of each affiliated agent’s participation in the learning courses. This was not a controlled study; correlation does not equal causation. Past performance does not guarantee future results. Market conditions may influence results and there is no assurance any Coldwell Banker-affiliated sales associate will achieve the same or similar results. 3.Year-end Coldwell Banker Numbers Based on Coldwell Banker Financial Data as of 12/31/2022. 4.Based on production of agents and teams that performed an action in at least one of the following products in our technology suite between Oct 1, 2021 and Sept 30, 2022: Prospect Square, Listing Concierge, MoxiPresent, HomeSpotter, Exclusive Look, BrandSrv, and Market Quest V2. Results are not guaranteed.